Monday, February 7, 2011

Did you know ?

There are over 500 thousand different theories to why we are here on this place we call earth, and how we all are what we call humans today. But most of these theories are through out of the thought. The two main theirs though some may say are ridicules depending on how they think. One of these theories is the fact we have all been developed over years of evolution. But on the other hand the other theory is that we all were created by a god that was supposable the creator of man and women. They say that the first man god created was formed by dust and the first women he created was made from his rib that god had taken from him. This sounds so unlikely almost impossible that someone could think that they were made like this. But the other side of the spectrum says man where evolved from another species of animal. This also sounds like a very unlikely story as well. But one of these must be true. But which one do you think sounds more likely to be the start of man and women?

But no matter what you may think or what you may say about this topic you will always have two sides to it. I mean really who knows the truth, maybe one day we will all find out what we have believed in all are lives is something that never really happened and that never will happen.
So as you read my posts that are soon to come. I want you to always be wondering about if what you think and what believe in is really what you believe in and not what people have forced upon you your entire life. But as I wrap this up I leave you with one final question, what is you view on why we are here or how we came to be what we are today ?

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” — Leo Buscaglia

1 comment:

  1. I thought this blog was interesting to me, it definitly makes opther think of what they actually believe in. I know that I am not brain washed so I of course still believe wiht man made by dust from God, but that is my opinion. Plus I liked the questions you ask. Only thing you have to do is pre-read your blog before you post.
