Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Difference Between an Atheist and Most Christians

For those of you who don't know what an atheist is, it's someone who doesn't believe that there is a godlike entity and tend to focus more on scientific evidence and have a deep desire for the truth. Christians are people who believe that Jesus is their Lord and Savior and that God created everything.

Most Christians seem to accept the Bible as the written word of God and require very little evidence to support these claims. They don't seem to require any satisfactory scientific proof and often live their life's more on faith than anything else.

Atheists on the other hand are constantly searching for evidence to support any claims made by Christians or scientists. If a scientist or Christian claims to have evidence to support any of their theories, these people are often willing to listen, but you had better have your ducks in a row and be able to answer all of their questions or their going to lose interest fast and you're going to be re-examining your own beliefs after they're done with you.

Now what's the major difference between atheists and most Christians? Most atheists have asked questions about the Bible and weren't provided with satisfactory answers. A large majority of Christians seem to ask questions and accept the answers that their respective church leaders give them. This doesn't work in the atheist community.
I am neither an atheist nor a Christian, but tend to side regularly with the atheist. They're asking both simple and hard to answer questions that most Christians aren't willing to ask and furthermore I truly believe that most Christians don't want to know the answers to these questions.
I truly believe that most atheists are only seeking honest answers, while most Christians bury their heads in the sand. They just don't want to hear about the problems with their religion.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Interview with Ebonee Dublin

People have many different beliefs in their lives. One major aspect that is very much talked about is religions.  So I am here to interview someone who has a pro Christian aspect on life.
The person I will be interviewing is Miss. Dublin with the next series of questions.
Q: Who is the god that you worship and why?
 A: she worships god because she was raised to follow him.
Q: How long have you been a part of this religion?
A: She has been a part of her religion for her whole life.
Q:  How come all the other religions of the world are wrong and yours is right?
A: She had no answer for this because she says” she can’t answer it because she was raised to think the way she does”.
Q: How do you think we came to be?
A: From a higher being “god” Created us.
Q: What is the reason you became the religion you are?
A: From her parents drilling it into her.
Q: What makes you the religion you are and why?
A: She does not follow the christen path besides for going to church sometimes.
Q: What would you do to get people to be a part of your religion?
A: She would not do anything because she thinks they should come on there own.
Q: How long have you been a devoted follower of your religion?
A: she has been a follower her whole life.
Q: Why would you say your religion is the one true religion of the world?
Q: Where do you think you will go once you have died and why?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

God The oldest question!

 God The oldest question
So this book was basically made me think about these things. Does God exist? Is it reasonable to believe in a god, or is such belief simply an ancient superstition which most people have yet to abandon? These sorts of questions have long been key points of debate in philosophy and culture, and there are always new books attempting to provide definitive answers.
It is not normally explained, however, just why the lack of such an absolute source means that there is can be no rational source, and in this O’Malley is no exception. According to O'Malley, “true atheists” (whatever that means— I wonder if it is simply a means for him to claim that anyone who does not conform to his description isn’t really a “true atheist”) have “lost all hope” and see the world as a grim reflection of their own lack of purpose. Is atheism “an act of faith?” Once again, we often hear from theists that atheism is based upon “faith” just the way that any religion is and, hence, cannot be regarded as any more rational than theism. As argued elsewhere on this site, that depends upon an equivocation over the nature of the word “faith,” and quite often on a misrepresentation of atheism itself. The conclusion for O’Malley, as it is for so many, is that there is something more valid in Pascal’s Wager than in skeptical disbelief.
This book makes you think about so many things as you are reading as it is says in the very first few lines it says that “Humans are free to be more or less human.” So this makes you think that there is so many things that people could become and have so many different things that they can believe in. So truly religion and how we are here has a true theory and we just have yet to find it. But until that day comes people will have a way to think and that is there right as a human being to make their own choices in life.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why Are We Here? " God Perspective"

 Why are we here? This question has both plagued and challenged mankind for generations. Is there an ultimate answer, or is it all about mission statements and self-determination? If we are willing to accept the Bible as truth, then we know the answer to "where did we come from?" According to Scripture, we were created by God. So the next question is…why? After all, He is God, and as such, He certainly doesn't need us for anything, so why did He create us? For sure pleasure, or was the fact that he no longer found pleasure in being alone all the time? What ever his reason was it must have been a great one for him to want us to be here with him.

Why are we here? Is a question that can best be answered by looking at how the Bible explains it. Beginning in Genesis Chapter 1, we read that after each phase of creation, God "saw that it was good." According to Scripture, once He completed creating the heavens and the earth, the plant life and all the animals, He created man: So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them (Genesis 1:27).


This tells us what God did, but still doesn't explain exactly why He did it. We read on and discover that He spoke well of the male and female and showed His pleasure by entrusting them with His creation:
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,

As part of His blessing, He gave us stewardship over the earth and its other life forms:
and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moved upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so (Genesis 1:28-30).

At the end of Genesis Chapter 1, we read how He felt about his completed creation:
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day (Genesis 1:31).