Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Interview with Ebonee Dublin

People have many different beliefs in their lives. One major aspect that is very much talked about is religions.  So I am here to interview someone who has a pro Christian aspect on life.
The person I will be interviewing is Miss. Dublin with the next series of questions.
Q: Who is the god that you worship and why?
 A: she worships god because she was raised to follow him.
Q: How long have you been a part of this religion?
A: She has been a part of her religion for her whole life.
Q:  How come all the other religions of the world are wrong and yours is right?
A: She had no answer for this because she says” she can’t answer it because she was raised to think the way she does”.
Q: How do you think we came to be?
A: From a higher being “god” Created us.
Q: What is the reason you became the religion you are?
A: From her parents drilling it into her.
Q: What makes you the religion you are and why?
A: She does not follow the christen path besides for going to church sometimes.
Q: What would you do to get people to be a part of your religion?
A: She would not do anything because she thinks they should come on there own.
Q: How long have you been a devoted follower of your religion?
A: she has been a follower her whole life.
Q: Why would you say your religion is the one true religion of the world?
Q: Where do you think you will go once you have died and why?

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